Friday, January 20, 2012


     Back today after a killer leg workout on Wednesday featuring 8 sets of squats (supposed to be 10, but when you do not have a spotter and the legs start to give out, its time to slow it down and avoid any injuries).  I gotta say it was my strongest day of squats in a long, long time probably because I have been stuck doing leg presses more often then I would like to, due to the gym being over crowded with all the "resolutionists".  These 8 sets of squats are different then most as in the goal is to constantly up the weight, and doing drop sets to get to 15 reps for every set.  Here is an example:

Set 1: 95x15
Set 2: 135x15
Set 3: 185x15
Set 4: 205x15
Set 5: 225x15
Set 6: 245x8, 135x7
 Set 7: 265x3, 155x12 
Set 8: 265x4, 135x11

     I wish I would have started off with a higher weight as these would be much more impressive but by the time I got to set 6 I was pretty gassed but still tried to push harder and gotta say I was impressed.  Next week I am going to do my warmup and then get started on these pushing to start off with an all out set and see how many at 315lbs I can get up, and then push through with 9 more sets afterwards.

     All of my workouts this week have been pretty intense minus my back day which for some reason I did not feel like I accomplished much afterwards and generally I get sore about 48 hours for all days I havent hit that wall with my back yet so it may be time to change something up.

     I have finally let the dumb things that have been going on around me just go away, and I keep pushing towards making all of my dreams and goals a reality.  I have a great support system through friends and trainers, and gotta say that even though my gf does understand fully why I do what I do to myself she is extremely supportive (so thanks Sarah).  With everything going on I haven't fully committed to me and that is all changing.  I had the epiphany yesterday that I haven't pushed as hard as I can and while I aim to compete, all my competitors have been outworking me!!!!  That is all gonna change!!!   The plan stays the same, lean out and get to 10% bf.  And then spend some solid time, with a solid plan putting on the size I need to put myself where I wanna be.  I set a goal for myself in 2008 and need to be there by June of 2013 and DAMNIT, I will be there.  Its ME AGAINST ME!!!!

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